First Time Visitor
What you can expect
The parking lot wraps all the way around the church and there is always plenty of parking close to the door. The closest spaces are reserved for handicap parking. You will be entering the main sanctuary door located under the steeple.

Dress Code
In short, there is none. We believe that Jesus is more interested in the condition of your heart, not the condition of your wardrobe. Wear whatever you feel is appropriate and come as you are. The important thing is that you come to worship our Lord with your church family.
What if my child is disruptive?
We understand that small children are going to make some noise during the service. We expect it and in fact, we enjoy the sound of children in the service. Jesus said “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me.” Mark 9:37 NLT. Church In the Acres also provides programs for children so they can grow and learn on their level.

Answers to some common questions
Church In the Acres is a member of the American Baptist Churches USA (ABC USA). American Baptists have always maintained the need for autonomous congregations, responsible for articulating their own doctrine, style of worship and mission.
The Bible does teach us to give of our time, talents, and treasures. Having said that, we as a church do not feel it is our place to pressure anyone into giving. That is a matter between you and God.
No. We all have opinions concerning politics. We wouldn’t be good citizens of this great country if we didn’t. Open discussions between members is a good thing and we must remember that we can always agree to disagree, but we believe that political views should never be expressed as a matter of church doctrine.
Nothing is required to bring. If you have a Bible that you are comfortable with, feel free to bring it. Bibles are provided in the pews for anyone to use if you need one (New King James Version).