The Traditional Service is for those who are looking for a more structured worship experience. The music is more of a hymn genre sung to organ and piano. This service also has occasional choir and handbell music. The sermon is the same as Contemporary Service.
Contemporary Service
When: Sunday Mornings from 11:30 until 1:00
Where: Sanctuary
The Contemporary Service is designed for those who enjoy listening to praise and worship music. The service has a more casual feel. Songs are played mostly by acoustical guitar and lyrics are displayed on video monitors. The sermon is the same as Traditional Service.
Kid's Club
When: Sunday Mornings during the sermon
Where: Friendship Room
We know it’s hard for children to sit through a church service designed for adults, which is why we offer Kid’s Club. In Kid’s Club, children can participate in crafts and activities all while learning about Jesus on their level. Part way through the service, children will be invited to follow our superintendent of Christian education (Shirley Hayes) to the Friendship room next to the sanctuary for the start of Kid’s Club. Kid’s Club is designed for younger children from kindergarten through 5th grade.
Sunday School
When: Sunday Mornings between services (approximately 10:00)
Where: Downstairs Classrooms
Between services (about 10:00 to 11:00) we offer Sunday School classes. These classes cover a wide range of age groups. Preschool from 0 – kindergarten, Elementary from 1st – 5th grade, Middle School from 6th – 8th grade, and Senior High from 9th -12th grade.
Youth Group
When: Friday evening at 6:30
Where: Walker Hall
Perhaps it’s learning to work together as a team, or problem solving, or maybe it’s just making a mess! You never know what you’ll find at Youth Group! Youth Group is divided into two age brackets. Junior Youth Group goes from 6th through 8th grade and Senior Youth Group is 9th through 12th grade.
Friend of Sinners
February 9, 2025
Luke 5:27-32
The sermon listed here is the most recent one that was recorded. For a complete list of sermons, please visit our Sermon Archive.